This made me feel warm and fuzzy….

18 Mar

If you know me well, I am a compulsive news reader. I absolutely live to know whats going on in the news. Most days the news is depressing instead of heartwarming so what I am going to tell you is not your average story.  

Some of you may have heard about this but the story is worth repeating.

 Dallas Blackwell found an envelope in front of a Arby’s that contained $1200 in cash. Blackwell, who works at Papa Johns Pizza, turned the money over to the Murfreesboro Police Department for safe keeping until the rightful owner claims the cash.

The rightful owner came forward and identified the money. He also gave Dallas $100 in cash for being so honest. In turn Arby’s also rewarded Dallas with $1000 scholarship for his honesty. (not to mention this was a huge move for Arby’s–made me want to go there and eat just for hearing this heart warming story) While the man was only out $100, I’m sure the student feels great about his good deed.

I reflected on this for a few minutes. The guy who was the owner was a truck driver. This could have been his $ for gas for the month or anything. He probably really needed his money back. It sort of gave me chills when I heard the story because it made me feel so good.

I’m comforted to know that some people are still honest.

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